Register now for spring semester!

Spring 2021 registration is now open! Our semester begins on February 2nd, so please register now.

While we don't know what the rest of this spring will bring, we can share that we will begin online on Zoom and will move to the studio as soon as the city clears us to do so. All spaces are first-come, first-served, so please register as early as possible. We hope dance class can bring a little joy, movement, and social time to these shelter-in-place times.
Curriculum & Placement

Spring term provides an opportunity for dancers to learn and sharpen performance-ready dances. Returning students may register for the same classes they took in the fall or contact Angela for advice about changing times.

Dancers typically stay in the same level for one to two years, depending on age when entering the level. For example, dancers entering a 3-4 year old "pre-ballet" class at age 3 will stay for two years before moving up to level one, while those who enter at age 4 will typically move up after one year.

During registration, students may register for any age-appropriate class with the following prerequisites:

  • Returning students may register for the same time at which they were previously enrolled, regardless of any bump in level.

  • Tap/Pre-ballet/Tumbling, Creative Movement, and Tap/Ballet Beginning I are open to any student of the appropriate age.

  • Tap/Ballet Beginning II is open to any student of the appropriate age with at least one-two years of previous dance experience.

  • Tap/Ballet Beginning III is open to any student of the appropriate age with at least three-four years of previous dance experience.

  • Intermediate or Advanced classes require placement permission from Angela.

  • Older students just beginning their dance training should contact Angela for placement.


Please don't hesitate to reach out with questions.

Happy New Year + Steppin' Out January News

The new year is finally here. We hope it will bring hope and healing--and that dance will continue to help us through these challenging times. It's time to return to class--classes resume today, January 5th, in your regular Zoom rooms. Fall semester continues through the end of January.

We're also preparing for spring registration. In accordance with city and state policies to keep our community safe, Spring 2021 classes will be taught via Zoom until restrictions are lifted. Spring classes will build on the movement vocabulary dancers developed this past fall and work toward new choreography and full dance routines. Watch your inbox! Returning families will receive an email through Activity Hero to register for spring on January 18th while newsletter families will receive registration information on January 22nd.

Class Selection:

  • Continuing spring students may re-register for their fall time slot even if they are now a year older than the listed age.

  • If you would like to add a second or third class or select a new time slot for spring, please contact Angela for assistance.

  • New students may register for any age-appropriate class for which they meet the prerequisites listed on our "classes" page. If you aren't sure, please contact Angela for assistance.

New Teacher!
Please join us in welcoming Camille Barlow, who will be taking over the ballet section of class for Saturday 9-10 a.m. Tap/Pre-Ballet ages 3-5, Saturday 9-10 a.m. Tap/Ballet Beginning I ages 5-7, and Saturday 10-11 a.m. Tap/Ballet/Tumbling Beginning II/III ages 7-9 during spring semester. Camille has trained and performed with Ballet Tuscon and is the recipient of the Kim Terry Memorial Scholarship for Outstanding Promise. Welcome Camille!

More details:
Class Schedule
Tuition and Policy Information

At the start of a fresh new year, why not work on those splits! Splits may seem unapproachable at first, but they can really develop through practice. Remember to always warm up before practicing a split--you can schedule them for right after dance class to be safest or do ten minutes of light cardio or yoga to prepare. Before attempting the splits, practice runner's lunge and some hamstring stretches. Then return to runner's lunge and start inching your front leg forward. Stop when you hit your edge and hold for 25-30 seconds, keeping your hips as straight as possible, and then repeat on the second side. Keep practicing each week and you'll be able to go deeper over time. This page is a great overview of the process for visual learners.

Please go watch Teacher Emily in a stunning performance with Post:ballet filmed on a tarmac in Alameda (read more or navigate straight to the video). Not only is the performance breathtaking, but the video has gone viral, amassing almost 300,000 views. Congratulations, Teacher Emily!

Transitioning back to "regular life" after break can be hard. Visualizing that normal routine in advance can help smooth over the bumps of reintegration. Try asking your dancers to tell you their schedule for the week--and remind them not to forget about dance class!

Happy Holidays + Steppin' Out December News

Thanks for sending us your photos of your Zoom dance spaces! December's photo features Steppin' Out dancer Emmeline in front of her garage stage--we love how magical it looks.

In studio news, we wanted to share a little bit about why we have mailed or delivered a little gift to each enrolled dancer this past week. Every year our younger dancers learn about the famous Nutcracker ballet and get to dance at the studio with a nutcracker figurine or snowflake wand. This year we couldn't stand to break that tradition, so our younger dancers got wands or nutcrackers of their very own. Now they can participate in this year's holiday choreography through Zoom. And we didn't forget about our older dancers; they received something special too! (Didn't get something? Email Leila with the class your child is enrolled in so we can sort it out.)

As a reminder, Steppin' Out will be on winter break from December 21st through January 4th. The Steppin' Out team wishes you a healthy and happy holiday season! Please don't forget to return on January 5th--our fall session continues through the month of January. And then mark your calendars! Spring semester registration for February-May/early June will begin on January 18th, 2021.

As many holiday traditions include candles, we thought it might be a good month to highlight the yoga pose "candlestick" (also known as shoulder stand). To enter this pose, begin on your back, then use your core muscles to lift your toes up to the ceiling, rolling your hips over your shoulders. While some body weight may rest in your shoulders, your core should stay engaged for added lift. Bring your elbows to about shoulder distance and press your palms into the middle of your back for additional support. Gaze up at your toes and breathe deeply. You can even imagine that your legs are a candle and your toes are the lights! For a less intense variation, relax with "legs up the wall" (Viparita Karani).

Every year around this time we send out ideas for enriching local holiday shows. While these performances won't take place in person this year, why not stream your favorites online? This year, you can even see the Balanchine version without traveling to New York! Here are our top two picks plus a bonus option:

1. The classic SF ballet version (we're hoping we'll still see those spectacular sets, but we're completely sure the performances will be as breathtaking as ever)

2. The New York City Ballet version (one of our team members saw it last winter and gave it two thumbs up)

3. The non-Nutcracker-yet-still holiday classic from our neighbors at ODC, The Velveteen Rabbit

As the Bay Area heads into another lockdown, it's more important than ever to connect in other ways. Please make sure your children attend class these next two weeks--we'll be sure to include a few more minutes of community connection or sharing time to support them.

Thanksgiving Recess + Steppin' Out November News

Thanks for sending us your Zoom class photos with your pets! November's photo features Steppin' Out dancer Cayleigh in ballet class. For next month we'd love to receive photos of your creative dance space--the garage, the living room, the bedroom, the backyard!--and even better if you can get your dancer striking a pose or in action. Please email Leila with your photos.

In studio news, we'll be introducing new steps and techniques this month while also fine tuning our October work. Our goal is always to keep our dancers challenged and engaged despite current limitations that may include limited space or issues around tap shoes--we do this by offering lots of choice and the safety to experiment and explore.

As a reminder, Steppin' Out is on recess during the week of Thanksgiving to match SFUSD's holiday schedule. We will be closed November 23-30th. Your tuition has already been prorated for that holiday, but don't forget to return in December!

One of the basic components of tap dance is the shuffle, which combines two brushes--a brush forward and a brush backward. Remind your dancers that a "brush" means hitting the toe tap only against the floor. So to shuffle, stand nice and tall with your weight balanced between both legs. Then shift the weight to your left leg and brush your right foot first forward (in front of your body), hitting the toe tap, then back to your body, again hitting the toe tap. To go faster, make smaller movements closer to the body. And don't forget to practice on the second side!

Though live performance options may be limited at present, your family doesn't have to miss viewing dance. Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater recently announced that they will be making their winter season free "in the spirit of making dance accessible to all." Learn more and mark your calendars.

As the weather gets colder, it's important to maintain flexibility in our bodies even on days we don't have class. Ask your dancers to spend a few minutes stretching each morning--adults can join in too.

Happy Halloween + Steppin' Out October News

Happy October! The Steppin' Out staff, along with Teacher Angela's new kitten, Cleo (pictured above), are very excited about Halloween. Please invite your dancers to dress up for class between October 24th and October 29th. We'd love to see you in costume! Also, please remember that there are no classes on Saturday, October 31st, so that you can focus on your own celebrations (Saturday tuition has already been pro-rated).

We've had a wonderful time dancing with you since the studio opened last month. The Steppin' Out staff is thrilled to be able to provide an opportunity for dancers to move their bodies and connect with each other safely. In Zoom class, younger dancers even have "share time" for socialization, during which they introduce their stuffed animals and pets, share their artwork, and even demonstrate their favorite yoga poses while we spotlight them on the big Zoom screen. Please keep joining us as we make the best of this difficult time.

As a reminder, Zoom links were sent prior to the first day of class through our registration system, ActivityHero, to the email you used when you registered; if you didn't receive that message, please email Leila for assistance.

Haven't registered yet? We do have some spaces, so please view our schedule and register now (tuition will be prorated). Want to enroll your child but not sure which class to pick? We welcome beginning and experienced dancers as well as students returning to dance after a break. Contact Angela for help with placement.

Stabilization in dance comes from two main sources--an engaged core and energetic opposition. We practice that second source in class through a general exploration of opposites (for example, our littlest dancers are working on opposites like up and down, right and left, and front and back). Older dancers can work on combining opposite energies (for example, moving quickly and slowly, tapping loudly and quietly, or practicing dance steps both to the right side and the left side). This month, notice many ways to connect with "opposites" in and out of dance class.

Although the fundraiser launched back in June, as we are now less than 30 days before the election, it feels like a good time for all of us to watch the Broadway Hamilton cast perform "America," featuring words by Langston Hughes, Bob Marley, and Lin-Manuel Miranda.

We'd love to feature some of our dancers on our newsletter or website. This month we're looking for photos of Zoom class that include pets or stuffed animals. Willing to share? Email Leila--and thanks!

Many families may be wondering what will and won't feel safe for Halloween this year. No matter what your family decides, you can have a totally safe and festive dance party at home with this Steppin' Out Halloween Spotify playlist!

Fall Season Starts THIS WEEK + Steppin' Out September News

Welcome back to fall! We are very excited to get back to dancing with you. Our classes begin THIS WEEK, so please be sure to use your Zoom links to join us. (Zoom links were sent through our registration system, ActivityHero, to the email you used when you registered; if you didn't receive that message, please email Leila for assistance.) As our newsletter photo shows, we are dancing in our new Zoom world right now, which sometimes includes furry friends and other obstacles, but we're committed to making it work as best as we can and returning to the studio as soon as it's safe to do so. Thank you for your patience.

Haven't registered yet? We do have some spaces, so please view our schedule and register nowWant to enroll your child but not sure which class to pick? We welcome beginning and experienced dancers, as well as students returning to dance after a break. Contact Angelafor help with placement.

Spread the word! These are challenging times. We'd love to enroll a few more students in the following sections, so we'd really appreciate if you would forward this newsletter to a friend:


  • 5-6 p.m.: Tap/Ballet Beginning I ages 5-7


  • 4-5 p.m.: Tap/Ballet Beginning II ages 6-8

  • 5-6 p.m.: Tap/Ballet Beginning/Intermediate ages 9+


  • 9-10 a.m. Tap/Pre-ballet ages 3-5

This month, we wanted to share an article with five exercises you can do to neutralize the aches and pains of spending so much of our day next to a computer screen. Teacher Angela shares that her teen students will recognize many of the exercises since they are incorporated into their jazz warm up. Plus, these are great for parents, too!

We are so excited to share news of the release of a new video dance performance by Robert Moses' Kin, "Unmarked," featuring Teacher Emily. Watch the RMK dancers perform in masks to original music and text in Bay Area locations.  Congratulations, Teacher Emily!

Combat Zoom fatigue with breaks. Whenever possible, get your dancers some screen-free time before class--outdoor time is even better!

Register Now for Fall + Steppin' Out August News

We think the original artwork above of Steppin' Out student Whitney taking her dance class via Zoom (captured by artist Kristen Jensen (c)2020; see below for more info) really captures the spirit of this moment. Yes, the way we are doing things has changed, but we're trying to make the best of it and find the beauty therein.

Now is the time to try something new. Now is the time to build in some movement. Now is the time to find engaging activities for our children. Now is the time to register for fall! Fall term provides an opportunity for dancers to focus on building a movement vocabulary. All spaces are first come, first served, so please register as soon as possible. 

(Please note that fall classes will begin online via Zoom and move to the studio once the city clears us to do so.)


  • New beginning students may register for any age-appropriate class that follows the prerequisite requirements.

  • New students entering at the intermediate level or higher will have the opportunity to audition. To schedule an audition, please contact Angela.

  • Finally, any student who needs help finding the appropriate class is invited to contact Angela. 

  • Ready? Register now.

Many of us are dancing in smaller spaces these days, so let's make the most of them! Encourage your dancers to grapevine all the way to the edge of their spaces--in all directions! 

The grapevine is a simple but fun traveling move that helps develop balance and rhythm. Have your dancers begin with their arms stretched out to the side for balance. They'll step to the right with their right foot, then cross their left foot over their right from the back, then step again right with their right foot, then cross their left foot over their right from the front (at the studio, we chant "side, back, side, front" when we learn this movement). Try this sequence slowly to the edge of the room and back. Over time, your dancers can gradually pick up speed until it feels a bit like running, just with more style.

We are so excited for the upcoming San Francisco Ballet release of its new dance film "Dance of Dreams" on August 13th. Watch the preview or learn more about this groundbreaking piece that connects dancers, musicians, and the city of San Francisco in a performance created while observing the practices of social distancing.

Artist Kristen Jensen, whose work introduces this newsletter, is working on a series that tries "to capture the experience we are all enduring right now." All profits will be donated to charity. To see more of Kristen's work, view her Facebook page for Kristen Jensen Studio or email her directly at

Have your kids spent the last month singing along to Hamilton? Remind them of the dance pieces too! Try asking them what their favorite choreography was, or encourage them to learn a phrase from the show or even make up their own!

Fall Schedule Released + Steppin' Out July News

We want to take a moment to send a huge "congratulations" to our 2019-2020 students on their incredible virtual annual performance! While it was not the typical performance, we were blown away by the heart our dancers brought to their Zoom recordings--and we loved watching those videos. (2019-2020 families, if you didn't receive the email with the videos, please reach out to Leila).

Despite the uncertainty of shelter-in-place (or maybe because of it!), it's time to start thinking about fall. While we don't know what fall will bring, we can share that fall semester will begin online on zoom and will move to the studio as soon as the city clears us to do so. See below for the schedule and some adjustments we will be making. You can also view our tuition and policy information for details about fall pricing and dates. And don't forget to watch your inbox for notification when registration begins.

Remember that you can still tap without tap shoes! While we love it when dancers put down cardboard or a wood board and make use of their taps, it's also completely ok to practice tap with ballet or jazz shoes--or barefoot! You don't need a huge space to take a dance class; you can use whatever is available (a bedroom, the kitchen, next to the couch, anything!). We'll also be modifying classes that offer tumbling--for the duration of shelter-in-place, we'll do yoga and sharing time instead (but as soon as we get back to in-person classes, we'll tumble our hearts out).

You can view the fall schedule now. Registration for continuing families will begin on July 27th. Registration for newsletter families will begin on August 3rd. Please see below for some guidance on how to select classes.


  • Continuing students are invited to return to their same time slot, even if its level has increased. You may also select any other time slot of that same level.

  • Continuing students ages 8 and older will also receive an email with placement suggestions from Angela. Younger students are welcome to reach out if they would like more guidance.

  • New beginning students may register for any age-appropriate class that follows the pre-requisite requirements (Feel free to contact Angela if you meet the age requirements but not the pre-requisites--she'll help you find the right class). 

  • New students entering at the intermediate level or higher will have the opportunity to audition. To schedule an audition, please contact Angela.

This month, instead of profiling one movement, we wanted to draw your attention to the seven basics of dance: bending, stretching, rising, gliding, jumping, darting, and turning. We recommend getting a little of each every day (grown ups too!). Bending, rising, and stretching are great ways to start your day, while jumping, darting, and turning can keep you energized in that middle-of-the-day slump. Try gliding (or sliding) your way into bed for your recommended daily allowance of dance movement.

Please read--and share with your children--Dancing Bodies that Proclaim: Black Lives Matter for a roundup of the role of dance in the recent protests.

Summer break can feel long--keep your dancers connected to dance by breaking out their dance shoes once and a while and asking for an "encore" of their spring performance!

May Mini Session Starts Today + Annual Performance (Online Edition) + Steppin' Out May News

Greetings from the virtual studio! We've had a ton of fun online with your dancers this past month. While our zoom adventures haven't been without their share of hiccups, thanks to your patience and our teachers' endless energy and innovation, we think we've gotten the hang of it. Lots of important news below--please scroll down for information on our Annual Performance (Online Edition) and a reminder of our May Mini Series for children, teens, and adults (which starts TODAY)!

Try new classes like Musical Theater or Dance, Yoga Play Date--or add an additional ballet class each week. You can still register for these four-week mini sessions (specially priced to allow dancers to try new things!). Learn more!

Why should the kids have all the fun? Drop in to these donation-based classes for adults--no commitment required! Try classes like "Un-Zoom Yourself Yoga," "Cardio Jazz," and "All Levels Ballet" when they fit your schedule. Learn more.

Visit the San Diego zoo without leaving home! Their child-focus website offers activities, videos, games, and stories, plus lots of educational information about the animals.

Legs Up the Wall, or "viparita karani" (its formal yoga name) is a yoga pose that can help your dancers combat anxiety and headaches, among other benefits. Yoga Journal provides some very detailed instructions for this pose, and we're suggesting it now because we're all (adults and kids alike) performing "Computer Pose" way too often these days, and Legs Up the Wall can help mitigate some of Computer Pose's bad effects.

While we are saddened that, for the first time in 25 years, we won't be together for our performance this year, we are excited to be inspired by many performing arts organizations who are moving performance online this season (see below for an example from Julliard!). As we want to recognize our students and teachers for their hard work, this year's celebration will be a dance video record on Zoom. Recordings will be made during the last week of May (May 25-30, our last week of classes for the spring season) and will be shared with current families later this summer. 

We are counting on our students to create their own costumes this year with whatever they already have at home. Students are welcome to recycle any of their previous costumes or just wear whatever feels right for these performances. Individual classes may make more specific plans--please attend each week in preparation for "curtain time."

Parents, please mark your calendars and be sure to have your dancers participate in the last class so they can be featured in the performance video. Please also help set your dancer up so that their entire body can be seen in the screen, if possible.

We love this beautiful and innovative interdisciplinary performance from 100+ students and alumni from Julliard, Bolero Julliard, featuring breathtaking dance throughout. You can also read about how the performance was created.

Some of our dancers may be finding a silver lining in their online dance classes--they might even feel safer taking risks from the privacy of their own homes. Encourage your dancers to use this time to experiment, to "go big," and to soar.

Register Now for Steppin' Out's May Online Mini Series + Adult Donation-Based Online Drop Ins!!

We're writing to let you know about two sets of special classes we'll be offering in May in response to our current "shelter-in-place" reality--these classes are open to all, whether you are a current student, former student, or someone simply curious about what we do. We recognize that we all need meaningful activities, social connection, and a chance to move our bodies and be attuned to our physical selves. In light of this, we bring you two new programs, one for children and teens, and one for teens and adults, all with our amazing Steppin' Out Teachers. Please contact us for questions or comments (and please note that existing spring classes will continue running as scheduled and that current students are welcomed and encouraged to add an extra class during May.)

MAY ONLINE MINI SESSION (for children and youth)
Appropriate for new or continuing students. Try new classes like Musical Theater or Contemporary Technique and Choreography--or add an additional ballet class each week. The mini sessions run for four weeks and are specially priced to allow dancers to try new things.

General information:

  • 4-week sessions (see dates below)

  • $60/session flat rate (no registration fee)


MONDAYS (5/4, 5/11, 5/18, and 5/25)
4:00-5:00 pm "Teen Musical Theater" (12-18) with Zoe
4:00-4:45 pm Ballet I (age 6-8) with Sonja
4:45-5:45 pm Contemporary Technique and Choreography (ages 8-12) with Emily

THURSDAYS (5/7, 5/14, 5/21, 5/28)
10:30-11:15 "Dance, Yoga play date!" (ages 3-6) with Angela

FRIDAYS (5/8, 5/15, 5/22, 5/29)
4:00-5:00 pm "Musical Theater" (7-11) with Zoe

More information (including class descriptions)
Register Now
Teacher Bios

Note that classes must reach 5 students to run--if your class doesn’t run, a full refund will be issued.


Why should the kids have all the fun? Drop in to these donation-based classes for adults--no commitment required! Contact Leila for drop-in information.

General information:

  • 4 meetings offered for each class, but no commitment required--drop in only when you are free

  • Classes are donation-based; pay what you can


MONDAYS (5/4, 5/11, 5/18, and 5/25):
10:00-11:00 a.m. Cardio Jazz for Adults (age 16+) with Zoe

TUESDAYS (5/5, 5/12, 5/19, and 5/26)
5:00-6:00 p.m. All Levels Ballet for Adults with Sonja

WEDNESDAYS (5/6, 5/13, 5/20, and 5/27)
10:00-11:00 a.m. "Un-Zoom Yourself" Yoga for Adults (age 12+) with Sonja

FRIDAYS (5/8, 5/15, 5/22, 5/29)
5:00-6:00 pm  Cardio Jazz for Adults (age 16+) with Zoe  

More information (including class descriptions)
Teacher Bios

We recommend downloading the zoom app for these or any of the Steppin' Out online classes, and we hope these new options bring a little joy to your household.

Greetings from the Virtual Studio + Steppin' Out April News

Each month when we write the newsletter, we use the the previous month's version as a template. This month when we did, last month's newsletter felt like it was written for a different world. While of course no one wanted to be in this world that we find ourselves in, we are so grateful to our families for joining us where we can be together right now, on zoom. We had a successful first week--and we also learned a lot. While some aspects of last week were imperfect, what was perfect was getting to "see" each other. And please know that we are continuously experimenting, testing, and refining, so that next week will be even better. Please keep coming to class!

Just a quick reminder to make sure class goes even more smoothly: Please ask your dancers to refrain from using the chat box for anything other than to let the teacher know if there is a problem. We think socializing as a group is important and we'll assign some time to that at the start of class, but chatting back and forth becomes a distraction to the class' focus and pulls the teacher out of teaching. Thank you for your support with this!

Finally, thank you to Adelia and her family for letting us share this wonderful image of what dance instruction looks like in April of 2020.

Relevé, which literally means "raised," refers to lifting our bodies so we are up on the balls of our feet or our toes. In ballet class, we often practice relevé at the barre, which can be a helpful tool for balance, especially for younger dancers. Since we may not have a barre at home, why not grab an ironing board or a chair to practice relevé? To begin, hold the chair or board lightly with both hands, then bring the feet into first position and lift your center. Push into the toes and begin to lift your heels off the floor. Slowly remove your hands off of the support to find full balance, engaging your core. For an added challenge, consider bringing the arms to a high fifth (round both arms over your head). Then practice from other foot positions (second, third, fourth, etc.). Once you've finished for the day, keep that chair handy so you can use it again at dance class time!

Stream Andrew Lloyd Webber musicals for free! The first release is "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" next Friday. Learn more or subscribe to the YouTube channel.

As we all learn how best to respond to our current reality, it's great to be inspired by others. Please enjoy this amazing video of the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater performing Rennie Harris' "Lazarus" (Together While Apart).

As we shelter in place, it's become cliché to suggest we often lose track of what day it is--yet at the same time, it can feel somewhat true. Avoid missing dance class by setting recurring reminders in your calendar so we can be together for each and every class meeting.

Steppin' Out Dance Studio Temporarily Moves Classes Online 

We wanted to take a moment to share some exciting news with our entire newsletter community. As of Tuesday, March 31st, Steppin' Out will be moving its classes online for the duration of the "shelter in place" order. (If you are a current Steppin' Out family and you did not receive information about how to access these classes, please email Leila: We've made this move because we want to keep bringing dance into the lives of our students, even when we can't be physically together. Please wish us luck!

Our regular newsletter will be arriving in your inbox on Monday, April 6th, but this update was so juicy we just had to share it right away. More next week--perhaps we'll even have some updates!

Please take good care,

The Steppin' Out Team

Song List By Class

Tuesday 3:00 Begining I age 5-7

Tap: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

Ballet: Never Enough

Tuesday 4:00 Beginning I age 4-6

Tap: Tap Those Toes

Ballet: Dream a Little Dream of Me

Tuesday 4:00 Beginning IV age 7+

Tap: We Go Together

Ballet: Don Quixote Act I Finale

Tuesday 5:00 tap/pre ballet age 3-5

Tap: Bumble Bee Boogie

Ballet: Love

Tuesday 5:00 Beginning II age 6-8

Tap: Singing in the Rain

Ballet: March of the Lions

Wednesday 9:30 Creative Movement

Teddy Bears' Picnic

Wednesday 10:30 tap/pre ballet &

Thursday 9:30 tap/pre ballet

Tap: It's a Hard Knock Life

Ballet: Doe, A Deer

Wednesday 4:00 Begining I age 5-7

Tap: You've Got a Friend In Me

Ballet: The Cleaner

Wednesday 4:00 Intermediate II age 10+

Tap: Jailhouse Rock

Ballet: Steam Heat

Jazz: Symphony

Wednesday 5:00 Advanced teens

Tap: Run Around Sue

Ballet: Grand Hotel

Jazz: Awoo

Wednesday 5:30 Intermediate III age 12+

Tap: Shake Your Groove Thing

Ballet: You'll Be Back

Jazz: Cut to the Feeling

Thursday 4:00 Beginning I age 4-6

Tap: I Wanna Be Like You

Ballet: Parade Of The Ewoke

Thursday 4:00 Beginning II age 6-8

Tap: Madeline

Ballet: Moving Right Along

Thursday 5:00 Beginning III age 7+

Tap: Better Together

Ballet: Define Dancing

Thursday 5:00 danceABILITY 

Jazz: Wings

Thursday 6:30 Intermediate IV teens

Tap: Don't Rain on My Parade

Jazz: B.E.A.T

Saturday 9:00 tap/pre ballet age 3-5

Tap: Animal Crackers in My Soup

Ballet: Bunny Rabbit Blues

Saturday 9:00 Beginning I age 5-7

Tap: Sweet Pea

Ballet: Ben 

Saturday 10:00 Beginning II age 7-9

Tap: The Pink Panther

Ballet: Can Can

Saturday 10:00 Intermediate II age 9+

Tap: Come So Far

Jazz: Cake By the Ocean (clean version)

Saturday 11:00 Intermediate I age 8+

Tap: King of New York

Ballet: You Will Be Found

Saturday 11:00 Intermediate III age 12+

Tap: Dancing Fool

Jazz: Dog Days Are Over

Saturday 12:00 danceABILITY

Tap: Friend Like Me

Jazz: Don't Start Now

Saturday 12:00 Advanced teens

Tap: Move

Jazz: I Will Survive

Closure Notice

The situation in San Francisco has changed rapidly over the last few days. SFUSD has closed all schools, the San Francisco Public Library has closed, and other dance schools (including ODC) and children's activity centers have started to close. Therefore, to keep our staff, students, families, community, and city safe, Steppin' Out will be closed, effective immediately and continuing through March 27th. Our current plan is to resume classes on March 28th, but we will keep you posted if conditions prohibit us from doing so. To be clear, all classes are currently suspended, including those scheduled for tomorrow. We are very sorry that we have had to make this difficult decision.

Once we can get this project organized, we will be emailing each class a video of their performance dance so that students can practice at home. Please stay tuned for these messages and further updates as we are able.

We know everyone is feeling concerned and on edge these days, and we send our love. Please take care of your own health and that of your family as much as possible, and let's all help those we can help--and support small businesses, our neighbors, and ou community. 

Summer Camp Registration Is Open! + Steppin' Out March News

We are so excited to announce our second-ever summer camp! This year we are offering three fun-filled weeks. See below for details. 

In other studio news, March 9th is the last day to register for the spring semester as we are preparing for the upcoming performance. And speaking of the performance, we'll be measuring for costumes this month, so please make sure you child attends class regularly (it's also important not to get behind in the performance choreography). We have classes every single week from now until the end of May--we are NOT closing during spring break. Please come as often as you can.

Finally, we love parents and caregivers, but it's been getting very loud in the studio lately--and loud is no good for our dancers. You are encouraged.--well, let's call it gently nudged--to drop your dancers off at class and get a delicious cup of coffee during their class (we particularly like Robin's Cafe and Stable Cafe. Thanks for your understanding.

Join us for camp this summer! Your campers will enjoy delightful and age-appropriate activities and surprises, including dance and yoga, dramatic and board games, a featured activity, and trips to our local park. Steppin' Out welcomes campers aged 5-10 for our weekday camp (9 a.m.-3 p.m. Monday through Friday, with drop off as early as 8:30 a.m.). Our tuition of $350 a week includes all activities plus a healthy snack. Camp is offered for three weeks this summer, June 8-12, June 15-19, and August 3-7. Register for any or all!

For the first two weeks of March, dancers who are new to our studio and between ages 5 and 7 can visit our Wednesday 4 p.m. class one time for free! Please spread the word about this new Tap/Ballet Beginning 1 class with Teachers Zoe and Sonja, or, if you're ready, register now.

Tendu, short for "battement tendu," is a technique movement from ballet that develops coordination and prepares dancers for grand battement (a dramatic ballet kick with a straight leg). Tendu literally means "tight" or "stretched," and it involves extending one leg away from the body until only the tip of its toe touches the floor. Dancers traditionally practice tendu to the front, the side, and the back. Have your dancer stand up straight in first position, then begin to extend one leg forward and straight until they can't move their leg any further without their toes coming off the ground. Sending energy into the floor through the standing leg can help them maintain balance. Remember to try all directions--and both legs!

Accomplished Steppin' Out dancer Nina and Teacher Olivia will be participating in a flash mob on March 21st at 2 p.m. at Serramonte Center. Come support them and watch--or learn the choreography and join in!

If your kids are getting bored counting to 20 while washing their hands, turn it into a dance. They can still wiggle their hips or stomp their feet while they scrub, scrub, scrub!

Performance Dates Announced + Steppin' Out February News

February is here, and that's means we've started spring semester! During this part of the year, we work on on choreography for the annual performance in May--and we begin measuring students for costumes! We want to make sure everyone knows that participation in the performance is not mandatory, so students can still continue to take class even if they are not performing (but if you won't be performing, please let us know as soon as possible so we can plan accordingly for costume ordering and staging).

We also have some important dates for you to put in your calendar; please see below.

Our dress rehearsal will take place on Saturday, May 16th. Dancers will be called for an hour (per class) between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. (advanced dancers will stay longer). The exact call time for each class will be announced closer to the date. Because we were unable to schedule dress rehearsal on a Sunday, all Saturday classes will be offered a make-up class on Sunday, May 17th. Details will be announced closer to time.

The performance dates have been set! The annual performance for 2020 will be on Saturday, May 30th (all dancers will be divided into two shows to keep the running time to two hours) and Sunday, May 31st (intermediate and advanced showcase only). Specific performance times will be announced closer to the date.

During the month of February, dancers who are new to our studio and between ages 5 and 7 can visit our Wednesday 4 p.m. class one time for free! Please spread the word about this new Tap/Ballet Beginning 1 class with Teachers Zoe and Sonja, or, if you're ready, register now.

Spring semester just started this past Saturday, February 1st. While many of our classes are full, some classes do have a few remaining spots. View our class schedule, register now, or contact Angela for assistance.


A yoga pose that can also be used by dancers, child's pose stretches the spine, hips, and ankles while lowering the heart rate. And don't let the name fool you--child's pose is great for all ages. To get started, kneel with the knees open wide enough to accommodate the torso, then use an exhale to lower the torso to the floor. If your children can't reach the ground, use a folded blanket or pillow to support their foreheads. Encourage them to relax their shoulders. Arms can be extended forward with palms down and elbows up for a more active stretch or released alongside the hips with palms up for a more passive rest. Stay as long as you like, then exit the pose feeling revitalized.

Older dancers may enjoy seeing Teacher's Sonja's latest show: "Just Ahead Is Darkness, Sharp & Fine’s new play for dance, is a family story, a ghost story, and a love story. Inspired by the bon dances of Hawaii, a Japanese-American tradition of remembering the dead, it combines dance, theater, and live music to trace the overlapping territories of memory, story, and truth."

During the winter while many of us spend time in heated spaces, it's easy to get dehydrated. Letting your children decorate their water bottles with their dance class stickers may make it easier to motivate them to keep drinking.

Spring Registration + Happy New Year + Steppin' Out January News

Welcome to 2020! We have two very important reminders for our community: First, we are still in "fall semester" through the end of January, so please keep joining us for class all through this month. Second, registration is now open for our spring semester, which begins on February 1st. If you are a new family ready to enroll for spring, we do have some openings, including a brand new "Beginning I" class on Wednesday at 4 p.m. for dancers ages 5-7. Please take a look at our schedule--and please spread the word to those looking to dance this spring. Also, as a gentle reminder, many classes fill up fast, so please register as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

Class Selection:

  • Continuing spring students may re-register for their fall time slot even if they are now a year older than the listed age.

  • If you would like to add a second or third class or select a new time slot for spring, please contact Angela for assistance.

  • New students may register for any age-appropriate class for which they meet the prerequisites listed on our "classes" page. If you aren't sure, please contact Angela for assistance.

New Teachers, Substitute Teachers, and Teacher Bios:

  • Steppin' Out is excited to welcome Zachary Isen, who will be teaching the Thursday danceABILITY Company Jazz class this spring. Zachary has an extensive teaching background and has taught at a variety of local organizations including Bay Area Children's Theater, the Urban School, and Oakland School of the Arts. 

  • We are also thrilled to announce that Gabriella Olsen will be filling in for Emily Hansel during the months of January (end of fall semester) and February (start of spring semester) while Emily is on tour with her dance company. Gabriella comes to us from Myriad Music School & Dance Academy and has performed domestically and internationally. Emily will return to all of her classes at the start of March, but we hope Gabriella will stay involved in the studio after February. 

  • For more about Zachary or Gabriella or any of the Steppin' Out teachers, please visit the Steppin' Out "About" page.

Class Schedule
Tuition and Policy Information
Register now

"Port de bras" (French for "carriage of the arms") is a classical ballet term for the set positions our arms travel through as we dance. While we may often think of the movement of the feet as the focus of our work as ballet dancers, the work of the arms is equally important. To build strength, dancers can flow through a series of arm positions--any positions they've been using in class. Remind your dancers that strong arms come from the back, and ask them to activate their back strength especially by releasing their shoulders back and down. Pro tip: Classical music can really add to the mood when practicing port de bras.

While it's a stretch to call this "news" since it came out last September, we think this clip of Jennifer Lopez and Jimmy Fallon taking us through the history of music video dancing in four glorious minutes is unmissable. Enjoy!

You don't have to gamble on the weather when you schedule your child's birthday at the studio at Steppin' Out. We offer delightful and customizable children's birthday parties, indoors where it never rains. Plan the party of your dreams, from basic to turn-key, without breaking the bank. Learn more or reserve yours now.

As we move into this new year, don't limit resolutions to individuals. Resolve together as a family--maybe to dance more in 2020!

See you at the studio--and don't forget to register for spring!

Happy Holidays + Winter Camp Reminders

Happy holidays! The studio is now closed and will remain closed through January 6th, but please don't forget to return to class on January 7th--the fall semester extends all the way through the rest of that month. All of us at Steppin' Out wish you the very best this holiday season.

While you're waiting for classes to resume in January, why not register for Steppin' Out's Winter Camp (for campers aged 5-10)? You can pick the days you need: 12/30, 12/31, 1/2, and 1/3 are all available. Camp runs from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., is priced at $65/day, and is practically guaranteed to bring winter joy to your dancers' hearts. Learn more or register now.

Winter Camp + Happy Holidays + Steppin' Out December News

Winter season means festive new dances! Ask your dancers to show you what they learn in class this month, which may include seasonal dances inspired by The Nutcracker, the new Frozensoundtrack,  plain old "jingle bells," and more. And your dancers aren't just having fun on the dance floor--fall seasonal choreography also prepares dancers to transition from basics to more advanced moves as they build the dance language from which their spring choreography will emerge. 

As another seasonal reminder, we will be closed for two weeks during winter break, but please don't forget to return to class in January! Fall registration extends all the way through that month, so return rested and ready to dance. And keep your eyes open for news about spring registration, which will begin in January.

Every year, Steppin' Out offers Winter Camp full of movement and adventures. Families register for only the days they need. This year, winter camp will be offered 12/30 and 12/31 as well as 1/2 and 1/3. Camp runs from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. and is priced at $65/day. Learn more or register now.

The studio will be closed between December 22nd and January 6th for winter break--no classes will be held during those two weeks (but don't worry; you have already been pro-rated for missing those days). Please sign up for Winter Camp instead--or enjoy some family time.

Ready for the classic holiday ballet, The Nutcracker? Every year around this time, we remind you of our favorites of your many local options, including MFDP's version, featuring two Steppin' Out teachers!

1. The classic, featuring breathtaking performances and spectacular sets:
San Francisco Ballet Nutcracker

2. The 50-minute version, perfect for the younger crowd. We are so very proud of our teachers Emily Hansel and Sonja Dale, who have starring roles in this production:
Mark Foehringer's Nutcracker Sweets

3. The whimsical, audience-participation option:
Dance Along Nutcracker: Nutcrackers in Space

And finally, here's something to celebrate in Nutcracker news: "After Misty Comes Marie: Breaking Barriers in The Nutcracker"

This month's movement is a tap step! While the "Maxie Ford" is for intermediate dancers and above, it's definitely achievable if you break it into steps and start slowly. To try it, step on the right foot, shuffle the left foot, jump onto the left foot, and knock the right toe to the back. This all happens in three counts: step on one, shuffle on and two, jump on and and knock on three. A few tips: 1) try it slowly at first, then gradually increase your speed, 2) try it on the right, then learn the whole thing starting left, 3) don't forget that tap can be practiced without tap shoes when necessary, and 4) view this very handy video demonstration for a visual reference. 

Teacher Zoe has returned to her normal schedule on Wednesdays and Saturdays! Steppin' Out would like to say a huge thank you to Maggie and Bella for covering Zoe's time away (and don't worry--Maggie and Bella will still be around!). Thank you also to our families for supporting our teachers, most of whom are working artists who sometimes need to be away (which also gives your children the wonderful opportunity to benefit from gaining new and different perspectives from other artists in the community).

This month's "quick tip" is for the parents for once! The holiday season can be absolute madness. When it gets overwhelming, take a breathing break: try exhaling for twice the duration of your inhales for an instant stress reducer.